Honorary Consulate of Malaysia in Uganda

Dear Members of the Union,

It gives me immense happiness to greet you all through this platform today. This new dynamic website has been made possible due to dedicated & selfless work done by the executive of the union over a period of time. Malaysia is a welcoming country that has good bilateral relations with Uganda. I urge members to learn the local language to enable you to harvest what Malaysia has been able to achieve in terms of trade, ethics, art & culture, education, tourism, oil & gas, and leadership among other achievements.

The past years have been a rather tough and testing one for all of us. A lot has happened, but the events of the whole year were largely dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath. We all have indeed passed through an unforgettable point in history and I daresay, we and the generations that follow will remember the year 2020, as the year that God actually pushed the pause button on us.

The two great things, this Covid pandemic has highlighted and taught us, in this technologically advanced world, are the importance of humanity and true friends. To this end, the Union of Ugandans in Malaysia provides us with the organisation and the reach, to connect with all the members, spread worldwide. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to connect and interact with all the Ugandans in Malaysia and other different diasporans residing even in the remotest parts of the world?

I take this opportunity to thank Mr Imran Ssemuddu and all the committee members for their selfless efforts and their valuable contributions in keeping the spirit of the Union going.

It is with great pleasure I welcome a vibrant and younger generation of the new committee members. Am sure the leadership, ably led by Imran Ssemuddu with all our support will work with vigour and zeal towards nourishing the expectations of the Union through regular and more evolved constructive platforms and activities. I also want to thank everyone for making a good name for Uganda while in Malaysia but also caution anyone from being on the bad side of Malaysian laws.

Having a union that unites Ugandans in Malaysia and its well-wishers is a great source of Bonhomie, Inspiration, Fellowship, Tradition, collective memories and Pride. Let us all therefore put our heads and shoulders together to nurture and grow this fine organization into something that everyone will look up to, with ‘Honour and pride’.

May this new year be a harbinger of a brighter and more cheerful time to come. I wish you all a safe and healthy year ahead!

Best Wishes & Warm Regards

Al Haji Habib Kagimu
PATRON – Union of Ugandans in Malaysia

Together, we build lasting friendships and create unforgettable memories.

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